
SSB Meetings Scope

SSB meetings are broad in scope. Topics include all aspects of materials for surgical and medical use and their interactions with cells and tissues. Studies of tissues as materials, including their mechanical properties, are also of interest. Papers can describe research, development, lab evaluation, or results of animal and clinical studies based on biomaterials, including characterization of retrieved specimens.
The meeting is open to everyone interested in biomaterials science and engineering. Attendees typically include engineers, scientists, graduate students, physicians, surgeons, and dentists in practice or still in training, and everyone from industries dealing with biomaterials. Students are especially encouraged to attend and to submit posters and podium presentations.

Conference Topics

Our 2008 theme, and focus of the morning sessions is Mechanics of Cell & Materials Interactions. Traditionally the afternoon sessions and posters are open to all aspects of biomaterials science. The theme-related topics include:

  • Mechanobiology-effects of mechanical environment on cells in vitro and in vivo
  • Tissue engineering mechanics: effects of fluid flow and other mechanical  factors  on cell  proliferation and tissue formation
  • Mechanics of cell attachment/locomotion and bioactive molecules on surfaces
  • Mechanical properties of cells and natural or engineered tissues
  • Implant material/tissue interface mechanics

Preference for oral presentations will be given first to abstracts in this area and second to PhD students and post-docs. Poster contributions in all aspects of biomaterials are welcome.

NEW: Farewell Apéro

Following the last podium presentation, meeting attendees are invited to an informal farewell apéro during which winners of the best poster and oral presentations will be awarded their prize. By introducing this new event in the programme, the SSB wants to extend the opportunity for networking contacts and discussions among members of the Swiss Biomaterials Community.

Best Presentation Awards

Best student poster and oral presentation will be awarded by the SSB.

Conference Language

The official language of the conference is English.

Meeting News

Sponsors and Collaboration

Biomaterials Science Center (BMC), University Basel     Laboratory for Orthopeadic Biomechanics (LOB), University Basel

Biomaterials Science Center (BMC), University Basel Medical Faculty, University Basel

University Basel

Journal European Cells and Materials